MemBar is a rough cut at a hack I've wanted for a long time. If you hold down the magic keys, your menu bar is temporarily replaced (as long as the keys are down) with a memory map of the RAM on your machine. It gives you a quick peek at where all your apps are, and which ones are preventing you from launching PhotoShop with a 20 meg partition...
To Install
Put MemBar in your Extensions folder and reboot.
To Use
After rebooting, hold down the Control & Option keys and you should see new graphics in your menu bar. Allocated memory is in black, and free memory is in gray. Above each block of memory is the name of the application.
You'll probably notice that some blocks of memory are too small for their text to be readable. While the Control & Option keys are down, move the cursor over those blocks (it'll turn into a magnifying glass) and click to zoom in on those blocks. Multiple clicks move in even closer.
If you'd like to know how big each heap is, hold down the command key also. The application names will be replaced by heap sizes.
Safe, Clean, Useful
This is an official "Really Clean Hack". You should experience no side effects using this extension, other than a tendency to hold down multiple modifier keys simultaneously.
I hope you find this useful. Perhaps someday you'll see a cleaned up version where you can choose your own modifier keys, etc. There's always hope...